Intro Épée Course
Our Intro Épée Course is for those who have never fenced before. The course will teach the fundamentals of épée fencing in a structured and easy-to-learn format. The intro course meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm and is a month long (8 classes). Intro courses begin the first Tuesday of every month and cost $100 which includes your first month of club membership (a $50 value). You will also need to join USA Fencing ($29 per year) which is the national organization for fencing.
Introduction to fencing.
En garde position and movement.
Attacking and lunging.
Defense and parrying.
Novice Course
Our Novice Course is reserved for those who have fenced before. It will build on the fundamentals of fencing and introduce more advanced techniques. The Novice Course is included with club membership. It occurs every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm.
All classes meet at the VFW Durango, 1550 Main Ave, Durango, CO 81301.